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types of lodging units!

Types of

Lodging Types Harbour Island Hotels

Types of lodging units In Harbour Island hotels !

Lodging Types Harbour Island Hotels The island counts only 11 hotels for a total of around 220 units. We call them units because they regroup several types of lodging units or accomodations:

  • Traditional hotel rooms
  • Condo-hotel rooms
  • Independent cottages
  • Smaller houses
  • Larger houses

Harbour Island is a small island measuring only 500 acres, 3.5 miles long by ⅕ mile large.

All existing hotels have been built for decades up to 60 years ago. Successive owners have added their own touch and have added units to their existing units.  Some hotels such as the Pink Sands hotel, Coral Sands hotel or the Dunmore hotel had enough land to expand and decided to add more units to generate more revenues.

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The Pink Sands decided to build and sell homes to investors and to keep them in their inventory to increase and diversify their offering.  The Coral Sands hotel under the ownership of Tom Sherman and associates preferred to upgrade hotel rooms located on 2 story buildings and to add waterfront cottages and smaller houses.  The Corals Sands hotel features traditional rooms, cottages and small houses.

The Dunmore Hotel built a few luxury ocean front homes, sold them to investors and added them to their inventory to generate revenues. The hotel presently offers homes and cottages.

The Valentine Resort is a condo hotel that offers a mix of Studios, 1, and 2 bedrooms condos.

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