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Hotel Rankings!


Hotel Rankings in Harbour Island

Star Hotel Rankings in Harbour Island

Harbour Island hotels amount to more or less a dozen hotels, none of them being one of the most popular branded hotels in the world such as St Regis or Hilton. They are  independently owned and because they are mostly smaller hotels the traditional Star Hotel Rankings system does not Apply. Harbour Island hotels are being ranked by Online Travel Agencies called OTA’s or by websites such as Tripadvisor through their proprietary algorithms. Harbour Island hotels can be ranked in 3 segments:

Luxury hotels:  The Dunmore, Coral Sands, Pink Sands, Bahama House

Mid priced hotels:  Rock House, The Landing, Valentines , Romora

Affordable hotels:  Runway Hill, Tingum Village, Royal Palm


We came out with this ranking after analyzing data provided with OTA’s