Private flights leave from the Bahamas the US:
Pilot in command should also comply with standard processes upon departure from the bahamas.
To Leave The Islands of The Bahamas Private Pilots Need:
- Two copies of
- Turn in Bahamas Immigration Card Copy
- File Flight Plan
- File eAIPS – (
- Call and Advise US Customs at Arrival Airport of your ETA
All persons, six years and over leaving The Islands Of The Bahamas, pay a Government Departure Tax of $29.00.
Inward Bound – To United States
1. File e-APIS manifest (
You need to file the e-APIS manifest to return to US at least one hour prior to departure. This can be done one day or many weeks ahead of time. See attached index for more details.
2. You must depart from an Airport of Entry (AOE).
3. File one copy of The Bahamas Customs (C7) (click here for PDF) and turn in The Bahamas immigration carbon copy.
4. Pay departure tax of $29 per person.
5. Call and advise U.S. Custom of your ETA via a land line and get “code” from the Customs Officer.
6. File an International Flight Plan 242-377-7116 or (1-800-WX-BRIEF). If in the air, call Nassau Radio
on 124.2, 128.0.
7. Activate your flight plan with Nassau on 124.2, 128.0 (Nassau Radio) or 122.3 (Freeport Radio).
If you are unable to do this, activate with Miami Radio 126.7, 126.9. In Bimini, activate your
flight plan on 122.1(Miami Remote no voice) or listen to Bimini VOR 116.7.
8. VFR flights must receive a discrete transponder code from FSS 126.7 (Miami Radio) before
penetrating the ADIZ zone. Flight Service is responsible, not Approach Control.
9. Prior to landing close your flight plan on 126.7. If you are not able to, close at Customs office with
1-800-WX -BRIEF
10. You must land at an Airport of Entry on the East Coast
11. Take all baggage out of airplane and proceed directly to Customs.
12. Prepare the necessary documents, U.S. Arrival Report (pilots only) and Customs Declaration cards
(1 per family). Please fill out in advance if possible.
Bahamas Customs Forms